

We tell the stories of people doing good in the world, with a focus on ethical and sustainable fashion, slow living and mindfulness.

Peppermint is a cross between water mint and spearmint with a concentrated oil that has a minty flavor and smell. It can help ease stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, gas, diarrhea, migraine headaches, and more. It can also freshen breath, kill bacteria, ease sinuses, boost energy, and calm allergies.

Learn how peppermint tea, oil and extract may improve breath, reduce headaches, soothe stomach and more. Find out the available forms, safety and preparation tips of this popular herb.

Peppermint oil is commonly used for relaxation and reducing stress, and there's actually evidence that it can help with tension headaches, abdominal pain, and digestion problems. Making your own peppermint oil at home is really simple. You basically just need peppermint leaves, olive oil (or a similar oil) and a jar. That's it!

Synopsis. An unidentified woman is engaged in a brutal fight with a man in a car and finally dispatches him with a shot to the head. Five years earlier, the same woman, Riley North (Jennifer Garner), is working as a banker in Los Angeles struggling to make ends meet. Her husband Chris (Jeff Hephner) owns a failing mechanic shop.

Peppermint is a hybrid mint plant with a strong aroma and flavour. Learn about its cultivation, varieties, essential oil, and medicinal properties.

Manfaat Peppermint untuk Kesehatan. Minyak peppermint telah digunakan untuk menyembuhkan masalah kesehatan, seperti meredakan ketidaknyamanan iritable bowel syndrome (IBS) atau iritasi usus besar, meredakan mual, dan mengurangi rasa sakit. Berikut ini adalah beberapa manfaat peppermint yang bisa tubuh kita peroleh. 1. Meningkatkan Energi

Learn how to care for peppermint, a hybrid herb with a refreshing aroma and flavor. Find out how to propagate, grow from seed, and choose from various cultivars of peppermint.

Learn how peppermint oil can help with digestion, headaches, IBS, and more. Find out the risks, amounts, and sources of this natural remedy.

Memiliki efek menenangkan. Peppermint digunakan untuk mengobati perut kembung, nyeri haid, diare, mual, gangguan kecemasan yang berhubungan dengan depresi, nyeri otot, gangguan saraf, pilek, gangguan pencernaan, dan penyakit peradangan pada saluran cerna (IBS).

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